Jun 27Liked by Sam Volkering

Just a thought on your 'shadow ban'; when the Conservatives won the 2015 GE I immediately set up a FB group advocating leaving the EU. I had to jump through a number of their hoops to get it set up. Telling them it was going to be a political publication etc. meant they wanted my personal details including where I lived and then I also had to upload my driving licence, as it had my address on it. They wanted to make sure I was a UK national living in the UK, posting in the UK about a referendum happening in the UK. They also told me there would be limits to how much I could post from abroad. They even automatically highlighted on my page where exactly in the world, on average, my posts where coming from. This was pinpointed to the town I live in clearly visible for everyone to see. Usually I would have said 'not thanks' to this sort of personal interference but it was a subject that I felt strongly enough about to side-step that for a while. I have to say they tried to actually cancel me a couple of times but the thing is I set-up the page correctly from the start; I told them it was going to be political etc. and gave them all my personal details, including driving licence. So they couldn't really shut me down. In my opinion the page was some-what successful, I had, at the peak, over 100K members and I was reaching well over 1 million people a day by posting around 4 pieces of content every hour from about 8am to 10pm. I was doing this on my own. With no-one else helping me. My then GF wasn't too happy with me but I promised to give it up the day we won our independence from the EU, and I did.

My point is, as soon as you mention politics during a campaign you are targeted. Being outside the UK too probably means they have removed you from being seen by general users and they probably aren't promoting you to anyone. I would keep an eye on this and then compare it to after the election.

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Jun 27ยทedited Jun 27

I was under the impression, this was one of the reasons Tim Price left Southbank Research - he couldn't not be vocal about the Plandemic and he knew from the very beginning in 2020 that we were moving into a dystopic world of censorship and democide - with massive lies and corruption at the heart of government who are beholden to the WEF men behind the curtain and the central bankers - I've been censored and banned from so much of the internet now for speaking the TRUTH. This is how it is now folks - find your ways around it as best you can. I have a feeling that at the time Tim was speaking too much "truth" for Southbank Research to handle - however as time passes, all the so called conspiracies are turning out to be utterly truthful and the Government and Pharma / military industrial complex messages are turning out to be utter lies - aided and abetted by the utterly despicable lamestream media. This is the world we're living in and this is the world within which AI is being developed - I don't trust Microsoft and I don't trust Sam Altman - they are way more likely to ensure, like Xi Jinping, or MBS, AI will be used for very nefarious purposes against us - Totally Skynet!!!! We are just "useless eaters" to the WEF - as soon as we teach AI to do all that we can - by sharing all of our data online with FB and the like, then the sooner they no longer need us as slaves to the corporate machine or canon fodder.

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Apropos the regulation of AI...

"We have laws against it precisely so we can get away with it. Corruption is our protection. Corruption keeps us safe and warm. Corruption is why you and I are prancing around in here (a Safari hunt) instead of fighting over scraps of meat in the streets. Corruption...is why we win."

-Danny Dalton from the movie Syrianna.

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Jun 27ยทedited Jun 27

Why have I never seen you mention the elephant in the room? The puppeteers pulling all the strings impacting your markets and the entire world. You write in detail but never mention them. Makes one wonder..... are you in alignment, willfully ignorant, or too fearful to expose them given their power to cancel you? We know carbon, warming and net zero are complete scams, but you manage to completely blank the reality and skim over the lie to address only the economics and markets. It makes it hard to value much of what you publish.

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This is also a Substack about AI predominately and the impact its going to have...so as much as I do think Net Zero is a total cluster**** this isn't the venue for it ๐Ÿคท

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How about an article about how AI can be used to foil the globalists agenda directly?

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indeed Paul - I like a lot of what is said by many of the writers at Southbank Research, but none of them engage in what is actually going on in the world right now - and I don't mean what we're reading or watching on the mainstream news which is utter BS propaganda - they are smart people at Southbank and I've been a subscriber for many years, but they skirt around what's really going on - Farage is now probably the most outspoken of them all.

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I must be the only one who supports Southbank despite its support and link to Farage. That self publicising man of the people wants freedom for just the right sorts. Yuk. Today's Channnel 4 undercover report shows the scum attracted to his Clacton campaign. Freedom and Fortune is blocked in my Southbank subscription.

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Then we are in for an interesting ride!!!

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That AI Advert by Toys R Us is incredible; Look out Hollywood, your woke days are numbered!

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Jun 27ยทedited Jun 27

AI is being run by those people that brought you Woke!!!! Hollywood is just another entertainment propaganda arm of the CIA and deep state, that brought you Wokism in the first place via their media machine - the whole Woke movement was not grassroots - it was top town to confuse, obfuscate and divide and conquer, whilst the men behind the curtain get on with the job of stealing from us - mainly via inflation as per Nicholai Hubble's excellent in depth article recently.

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thank you

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