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We all know that Labour will win (majority size is the unknown bit) but they will be a Labour Party forced to shift rightwards by Reform, by lack of clear water between Tories & Labour & from recent EU trends. So whilst they might lack MP(s) & perhaps the wider skill set for governance, Reform will likely be the party that shifts debates & shapes politics the most, as it could be argued that UKIP did. Brexit happening was perhaps the last time that actual voters overcame The Blob/Courts in deciding how their lives/liberties would move forwards as a whole group/nation rather than for individual/smaller groups. And that was almost too close to call in the end. Now through having had Starmer as DPP (whilst Blair also had a huge majority) & an power grabbing ECHR it is generally the Courts that will have the final say. Dislike a policy or decision e.g. easing of planning consent or firmer migration control....just appeal it in the Courts or to an Ombudsman & it stands a reasonable chance of being overturned or dying in the delay whilst a judgement is awaited. Kritarchy based on fine interpretations that were caused by (?deliberately or just careless) loose wording or "quangocracy" (about status quo &/or vested interests) but it is almost certainly unlikely to be a democracy for a generation or more.

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